Cable Route Design and Landfall Support
Ternan Energy has successfully supported many clients with cable route design for offshore wind and interconnector projects. Drawing on our considerable geophysical and geotechnical knowledge we have completed various appropriate studies to support their projects.
Work scopes have included desk top geotechnical feasibility studies, geological and geohazard risk assessments, geophysical and geotechnical survey management and support, as well as GIS support and analysis.
Additionally, Ternan has provided technical support for the design of several export cable landfall projects where Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) techniques are proposed. This technical support included carrying out a desk top study to incorporate all available site information - geophysical, geotechnical, infrastructure, contaminated land, etc. A detailed review of appropriate technical solutions (i.e. HDD methodologies), subcontractor proposals, and on-site technical support was also provided to allows for successful completion of the project.